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$2,000 for your thoughts on Civil Rights! No joke

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:24 am
by hamsa
Only one week left and we need Middle Eastern entries!

The American Islamic Congress presents: the "Dream Deferred" Essay Contest for Civil Rights in the Middle East.

How can non-violent civil rights campaigns make Middle-East societies more open? What is your "deferred dream", a vision of your society, with civil rights for all?

Any person, under the age of 26, can submit an essay. The candidate must reside in a country belonging to the Arab League, Iran or the United States. Your test must be between 600 and 2000 words, in English, French, Arabic, or Farsi. Gaining will be chosen by a jury of the celebrities. A first-prize of $2.000, a secondary price of $1.500, and three others of $500 part.